Scale: 1:32 / 54mm
Parts: 5
Material: Poyurethane casting resin
Unpainted Kit
Check before assembly to fit. Sprues with Saw / Cutter remove. Deformed parts with a light bulb (60W) or in a water bath to warm and bend it. Work carefully! Sticking with 2K or superglue.
bomb fuse: brass
bomb body: found blind shells are described at that time as "light blue". But in contemporary pictures they looks more „light gray“. The display in the „Army Museum Brussels“ with the P.u.W bombs (50kg, 100kg, 300kg) seems in their original paint also more medium to light gray.
General convey the bombs on contemporary photos almost always a "used" look with scratched surface and chipped edges.
here a full review of the figure in Largescalemodler-forum.