Scale: 1:32 / 54mm
Parts: 5
Material: Poyurethane casting resin
Unpainted Kit
Check before assembly to fit. Sprues with Saw / Cutter remove. Deformed parts with a light bulb (60W) or in a water bath to warm and bend it. Work carefully! Sticking with 2K or superglue.
Jacket M1915: jacket field grey, collar green (Prussia), buttons white, epaulettes light grey with red "L"
Trousers M1915: grey (dark field grey, ponceau red piping on sides.
Boots: black leather.
Shako Cover: field grey
Belt: black, grey laquered buckle
Gas mask can 16: field grey with linen strap
Haversack M1914: grey cotton, hook and buttons iron coloured.
Canteen M1907: brown felt cover, brown leather strap, cap and hook aluminium
Gas Mask 16: light field grey, Filter too
Ammunition Pouch: black leather
Carbine 98: blackened Metall, brown wooden parts, belt brown leather
Bayonet 98: blackened metal, wooden grip